Selected window

I have a problem when I open more than one window form a page.

The action I do is that each time that I park Up a window I calculate the place where It has to be show I I show them on a row at the bottom of the page.

When I parkdown a page and i iterate the dhxWins after doing it my window object is pointing to the last window of this iteration.

Is there a way to give back the window I was using?



Here is my code:

winload.attachEvent(“onParkDown”, function(win) { //Al minimizar la ventana situar abajo                    

//Decrementar el contador de minimizadas

numpark = 0;

dhxWins.forEachWindow(function(winP) {

//si est� parked eliminamos los espacion entre las que quedan parked    

if ( (winP.getText() != win.getText()) && winP.isParked()){

    //colocar la venta en la posici�n parked

                            winP.setPosition( 200 * numpark, document.body.clientHeight - 37);

                            //Incrementar el contador de minimizadas

    numpark = ++numpark;                            



win.setDimension(winWidth, winHeight);;

return winload;


winload.attachEvent(“onParkUp”, function(win) { //al amaximizar ventana centrar


//Incrementar el contador de minimizadas

numpark = ++numpark;                        


win.setDimension(10, 0);

if (numpark == 1){

    win.setPosition( 0, document.body.clientHeight - 37);



    win.setPosition( 200 * (numpark-1), document.body.clientHeight - 37);


return true;


Here is a demo.
(Do not forget about repositioning parked windows on close, this is not included in demo) (1008 Bytes)

Thanks a lot!

It works ok.

I solved my other problem passing the window’s Id to the the next page to handle all its functions.