selectNodes - error with IE 9

hello support-team,

we found an error.
the object doesn`t support the attribute or method “selectNodes”

IE 9 (Vers. 9.0.8112.16421 )

SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode “selectNodes” nicht
dhtmlxcommon.js, Zeile 663 Zeichen 4

with later versions we have no problems, also no probs with FireFox newest version.

may be, you no about this error and have a solution for us.

by hopsy


i found my mistake.

toolbar.addText(“clone”, 1, “”);
toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+“clone”].obj.innerHTML = “”;
var clone = new dhtmlXCombo(cloneDIV, ‘clone’, 80); // placeholder

// IE 9 Problem by complete-tag , but not with older version or firefox
var myStr =‘1’;

// it work`s with IE 9 also…
var myStr =‘1’;

sorry :cry:


the problem exists any longer.

result without ‘’ - the combobox in toolbar will not be filled.
with IE 9 throws an error, but only IE 9.

any idea?

ciao hopsy

Have you tried following patch?

Hot Fix for IE9 works.

for the future - problems with new browser versions - i will search hotfix first!


I got this error in dhtmlxScheduler v30_111025.
I did this update (dhtmlxcommon.js) but the error continues.

I saw the same method (xml load) in other files (dhtmlxscheduler_client.js, dhtmlxscheduler.js, dhtmlxdataprocessor.js, scheduler.js), but this fix is only with dhtmlxcommon.js file.

What I can do to fix it? Should I update all references?


This is really old thread.
Please post your question on the dhtmlxScheduler forum if you suspect it’s the culprit but please provide link to your site or code with scripts you are trying to load.

Kind regards,

If someone continues to this problem, maybe this will work

in the file dhtmlxcommon.js you must add this line

docObj.setProperty (“SelectionLanguage” “XPath”)

before this line

docObj.selectNodes return (xpathExp) | | new Array (0);