Send error or other type message from server in response to [PHP][Solved]

Please help, I have try many ways but unable to send error text in responce to Tryd different methods, events on client side, but unable to send any message.

One of the variants I try:
On server side:

$form = new FormConnector($conn);
function beforeProcessing($action) {

On client side:

myForm.attachEvent("onAfterSave", function (id, xml){
myForm.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (id,action,tid,response){

I find out how to pass text, and also make it json. The key of solution is xml.textContent and its not documented.

On server side:

$form = new FormConnector($conn);
function beforeProcessing($action) {
  var $data['error'] = 'text message'
  $action->set_response_text(json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
  $action->invalid(); // mark request as invalid so insert/update not called

On client side:

myForm.attachEvent("onAfterSave", function (id, xml){
  var r = JSON.parse(xml.textContent);
  if (r.error) log.error(r.error);
  //other json processing if needed
}); // log.error from other library, replace it