The dataprocessor is working in my application, but I had to hard-code the MySQL table in the PHP code. I want to be able to send a table name because it will change depending on what the user is doing on the website. Is there a way to do this?
The end result would be something like this:
$table = $_GET['table'];
You can use
but such code results in tremendous hole in the system security. As it will be possible to read data from ANY table.
This is for an internal site, so I don’t care about security.
How do I send the table with javascript? I know how to get the variable in PHP, but I can’t figure out how to send a variable with javascript that isn’t part of the grid. The dataprocessor is only sending grid data, but I need to add an extra variable. Normally, I could do it like this:
grid.load("file.php?table=" + table);
but I don’t know how to pass the table variable with the dataprocessor call because it isn’t part of my grid.
You have dataprocessor object, assigned to the grid, right ?
So you can change its server side url like next
dp.serverProcessor = "save.php?table="+table;
or if you not need to change it dynamically, just provide it during dataprocessor initialziation
var dp = new dataProcessor("save.php?table="+table);
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for the quick response!