serializeToCSV(): zx has no properties

I am getting the error “zx has no properties” when trying to serialize the grid to csv. I am currently using the updated dhtmlxGrid_nxml.js file that I found in the Knowledge Base. Also, I am NOT using the new 2.0 version of dhtmlxGrid. Thanks again for your great help!

The code I am using:

function exportToCsv()


    mygrid.setCSVDelimiter("\t");//chnage csv delimiter

    var csv = mygrid.serializeToCSV();          


    document.getElementById(‘test’).innerHTML = csv; // Just outputting the csv string here to test results


Here is the grid initialization in which I am trying to export:

var gridQString = “getGridRecords.php”;

var mygrid;        

function doInitGrid()


    mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘products_grid’);            




    mygrid.setHeader(",Hospital,Total Purchase");




















    mygrid.loadXML(gridQString );        


This is known issue for version 1.6 - please use attached js file instead of original one, it will resolve problem. (4.51 KB)