Serverside persistent select filter

I am fine tuning the filtering of a Grid table.
I have several connector_text_filters and connector_select_filters. When filtering off of the text filters, the value persists through the table refresh. Hence, one can filter the table off of various columns. However, this is not true for the select filter. The table is refreshed, and the select value is removed.

How can I filter off of multiple select filters?

By any chance are you loading grid configuration from server side, by the same connector file?

Normally both text and select filter must refresh only data and will not change the state of filters in grid. Problem in you case can be caused by reloading not only data but configuration as well.

Also, please try to update connector.js with the attached one. (1.52 KB)

Thanks for your response, Stanislav.

I’ve flashed connector.js, and get the same behavior.

I’m loading the grid configuration by html, with only beforeFilters in the connector.php. Here is the grid configuration:

mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setImagePath('../codebase/imgs/'); mygrid.setHeader("Reference ID,Position,Reference Base,SNP Base,SNP String,MID01_11,MID13_22,MID23_32"); mygrid.setInitWidths("200,80,80,80,80,*"); mygrid.setColTypes("ro,ro,ro,ro,ro,ro,ro,ro"); mygrid.setSkin("dhx_skyblue"); mygrid.attachHeader("#connector_text_filter,#connector_text_filter,#connector_select_filter,#connector_select_filter,#connector_select_filter,#connector_text_filter,#connector_text_filter,#connector_text_filter"); mygrid.setColSorting("connector,connector,connector,connector,connector,connector,connector,connector"); mygrid.init(); mygrid.enablePaging(true,50,15,"pagingArea",true); mygrid.setPagingSkin("bricks"); //mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true); mygrid.loadXML("connector.php");

I don’t know if it has any consequence, but I do have a beforeFilter on a select_filter to change “LIKE” query to " = ".

I don’t know if it has any consequence, but I do have a beforeFilter on a select_filter to change “LIKE” query to " = ".

Must not affect client side behaviors.

By any chance do you have an online demo page?
If not - please use firebug|dev-tools and check the exact url which is sent to server side after select filter changed, as well as server side response and post here, or send to me by PM

pm sent

Thank you Stanislav for troubleshooting the error!

The solution was to flash dhtmlxgrid_filter.js. I must have interrupted functionality by editing the code.