Set color from record

I am using the scheduler with php/mysql table.

How can I set the event colors based on the “SELECT” query that has a field called “color” in it?

My select is something like this:

$scheduler->render_sql("SELECT * from events_rec LEFT JOIN appt_types ON appt_types.ID=events_rec.appt_type WHERE office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, appt_color");

So when the events load, the color is based on the appt_color field in the query. Thanks.


Try changing




Scheduler support ‘color’ and I believe ‘textColor’ options.

Kind regards,

That seemed to work.
However, I can’t add/update records then to the calendar… I am guessing because of the LEFT JOIN that I would need in order to set the color.

Is there a way to set the color for the event in my php script elsewhere?


I believe it would be easier to use your custom query to load events and simple render_table for other operations.

if ($scheduler_connector->is_select_mode()){ // your render_sql for select mode } else { // render table for update/delete }
Kind regards,

Thanks Ilya…

So in my php code have something like this?

//render sql
   if ($scheduler_connector->is_select_mode()){
	$scheduler->render_sql("select * from events_rec LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.ID = events_rec.Category where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, color(color)");   
}   else {
	$scheduler->render_sql("select * from events_rec where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by");

I am working on it now, but I get a blank error box when the scheduler loads.


Your code seems to be correct but edit following line:

if ($scheduler_connector->is_select_mode()){

If in your case you named it simply $scheduler then it should be:

if ($scheduler->is_select_mode()){

Kind regards,

Of course, thanks.

//render sql
 if ($scheduler->is_select_mode()){
   $scheduler->render_sql("select start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,events_rec.company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, previsit_categories.Color from events_rec LEFT JOIN previsit_categories ON previsit_categories.ID = events_rec.reason where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND events_rec.company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, Color(color)");   
}   else {
   $scheduler->render_sql("select * from events_rec where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by");

While it seems to load events now, the color doesn’t change and no events can be deleted. Events can be added and updated though.



Please enable log and check what kind of query scheduler tries to execute when deleting event.

$scheduler = new schedulerConnector($res); $scheduler->enable_log("log.txt",false);

What do you mean? When colors should change in your case?

Kind regards,

Yes, that’s what I meant. When the query loads, the event color doesn’t change to the color from the query.

I will get back to you once I use the log, like you suggest.

Does it change the color if you switch between views/another date?
Please copy part of the returning xml here.

Kind regards,

No it doesn’t change color when I switch between views/days.

When I try to delete the event here’s the info from the log.txt file:

Log started, 23/11/2011 01:11:34

DataProcessor object initialized
1322078630x401_id => 1322078630x401
1322078630x401_start_date => 2011-11-23 10:45
1322078630x401_end_date => 2011-11-23 11:25
1322078630x401_text => 
1322078630x401_rec_type => 
1322078630x401_event_pid => 0
1322078630x401_event_length => 0
1322078630x401_office_ID => 4
1322078630x401_reason => -1
1322078630x401_patient_ID => -1
1322078630x401_name =>  
1322078630x401_howheard_ID => -1
1322078630x401_promo_ID => -1
1322078630x401_company_ID => 1
1322078630x401_appt_status => 2
1322078630x401_saw_by => -1
1322078630x401_color => 
1322078630x401_!nativeeditor_status => deleted
ids => 1322078630x401

Row data [1322078630x401]
event_id => 1322078630x401
start_date => 2011-11-23 10:45
end_date => 2011-11-23 11:25
text => 
rec_type => 
event_pid => 0
event_length => 0
office_ID => 4
reason => -1
patient_ID => -1
name =>  
howheard_ID => -1
promo_ID => -1
company_ID => 1
appt_status => 2
saw_by => -1
color => 
!nativeeditor_status => deleted

DELETE FROM events_rec WHERE event_id='1322078630x401' AND ( office_ID IN (4) AND appt_status IN (1,2,3,4,5) AND saw_by IN (1,2,-1) AND company_ID = '1')

Edit operation finished
0 => action:deleted; sid:1322078630x401; tid:1322078630x401;

Done in 0.00553297996521s

Here’s the log info for the error as to why the color isn’t showing/loading:

Log started, 23/11/2011 01:11:50

SELECT  start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,events_rec.company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, previsit_categories.Color FROM events_rec LEFT JOIN previsit_categories ON previsit_categories.ID = events_rec.reason WHERE  office_ID IN (4) AND appt_status IN (1,2,3,4,5) AND saw_by IN (1,2,-1) AND events_rec.company_ID = '1'

Undefined index:  color at /home1/mysounds/public_html/myfolder/dhtmlxScheduler/codebase/connector/scheduler_connector.php line 18

The above query DOES have a field of “black” for a color for various records. I tested the query on my server.


Please note that ‘Color’ and ‘color’ are not the same thing. And scheduler expects ‘color’.

Kind regards,

Thanks. Yeah, I realize that. I feel that I’m using the code correctly:

/render sql
if ($scheduler->is_select_mode()){
   $scheduler->render_sql("select start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,events_rec.company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, previsit_categories.Color from events_rec LEFT JOIN previsit_categories ON previsit_categories.ID = events_rec.reason where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND events_rec.company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by, Color(color)");   
}   else {
   $scheduler->render_sql("select * from events_rec where office_ID IN ($office_id) AND appt_status IN ($appt_progress) AND saw_by IN ($provider) AND company_ID = '" . addslashes($_SESSION['Company_ID']) . "'","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,rec_type,event_pid,event_length,office_ID,reason,patient_ID,name,howheard_ID,promo_ID,company_ID,appt_status,saw_by");

…but still no colors, and events cannot be deleted. I took a break from this, but will come back to it to try to figure it out.


Please copy part of the generated xml.

Are colors applied during initial load?

Are the any javascript errors?

Kind regards,

Sure, I wouldn’t mind supplying XML. Can you tell me how I can do that? Thanks. :smiley:

No, no javascript errors.


You can attach to your message (“Filename:” “Browse” section) or simply copy the text, for example:

<data> <event id="5000002"> <start_date>2011-09-02 10:00:00</start_date> <end_date>2011-09-02 18:00:00</end_date> <text>timu3</text> <title>timu3</title> <type></type> <detail>xijie3</detail> <location>didian3</location> <rec_type>week_1___2,4#no</rec_type> <event_pid>0</event_pid> <event_length>3600</event_length> <lat></lat> <lng></lng> <source>google calendar</source> <readonly>1</readonly> </event> <event id="2"> <start_date>2011-09-02 06:00</start_date> <end_date>2011-09-02 07:00</end_date> <text>group1 Tong</text> <title>group1 Tong</title> <type>Game</type> <detail>aaa</detail> <location>test loc3() ll,ooo,ny,11223</location> <rec_type></rec_type> <event_pid>0</event_pid> <event_length>0</event_length> <lat>0.000000</lat> <lng>0.000000</lng> <source>guest2</source> <readonly>1</readonly> </event> </data>
Kind regards,

Sorry for the confusion.

I meant to say, I don’t know how to capture the generated XML once the scheduler loads.

I am querying my db using php/mysql.

I added:

var xml = scheduler.toXML(); //xm string

Do I have to somehow create a button that will export the scheduler to xml? Thanks.


Simply open your events.php link in the browser.

Kind regards,