set Header by xml config - do not appear

Hi everybody,

I’m with a problem, setting the configuration of the Treegrid by the XML, is not appear the Header.

Can I use the “” in the HEAD of the XML???



Here you can find a working example of treegrid configured from xml: … egrid.html

Hi Sematik

I have been using the xml to configure the Treegrid, But the problem is in setting the header.
If i setting in the script (fixed) is correct, if a setting by the xml is not correct.

See the image when is fixed.



Please, follow the link suggested in the previous post to read about correct header configuration from the xml.
You not should call setHeader method but define your columns in the head tags:


Model Qty Price ...[/code]

That´s Right!!!

[b]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Quadro: QVAGAS01 - QUADRO DE VAGAS INICIAL #cspan #cspan #cspan #cspan Data de Validade:1/12/2006 ,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan Ponto de Controle,Total,COMISSIONADOS,EFETIVOS,TEMPORARIOS [/b]
