But i need to set locale depending on the parameter. I’ve checked this snippet (DHTMLX Snippets) and tried to do the same. CDN js file successfully loaded but it doesn’t work even after scheduler init
Finally, i did it manually:)
Like this: this.scheduler.locale = <locale from source files>.locale;
But still don’t know why Scheduler.plugin() doesn’t work if js script isn’t included in bundle.
Can you please clarify what exactly do you do with Scheduler.plugin and how it doesn’t work for you?
Ideally, if you could share a simple angular app which I could run locally and check the issue. Scheduler.plugin takes a single parameter - a function that takes a scheduler instance as an argument.
scheduler.$myPlugin = true;// every scheduler instance on the page will have `$myPlugin` property defined
This function will be called for every instance of the scheduler that exists on the page (the default window.scheduler and any instances you create using Scheduler.getSchedulerInstance). This is used to extend the scheduler with the new functionality or to apply some default configuration to every scheduler object.
Please provide some extra info on how you use this method and what exactly doesn’t work.
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