Set row to bold

Hi all,

I have a small problem with a javscript. I want to set a row to bold if a special icon in a cell has been clicked. The code is:

var request = false;

function DeleteItem( url ) {

    var sID = mygrid.getSelectedId();

    mygrid.setRowTextBold( sID );

    if ( confirm( “Eintrag l�schen?” )) {

        // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object

        if( window.XMLHttpRequest && !( window.ActiveXObject )) {

            try {

                request = new XMLHttpRequest();

            } catch(e) {

                request = false;


        // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version

        } else if( window.ActiveXObject ) {

            try {

                request = new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP”);

            } catch(e) {

                try {

                    request = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);

                } catch(e) {

                    request = false;




        if( request ) {

            request.onreadystatechange = DeleteData;

   “GET”, url, false );

            request.send( “” );


    } else {

        var sID = mygrid.getSelectedId();

        alert( sID );

        mygrid.setUpdated( sID, false ); //remove update mark

        mygrid.setRowTextStyle( sID, “text-decoration:none;” );

        return false;



function DeleteData() {

    // only if request is “loaded”

    if ( request.readyState == 4 ) {

        // only if “OK”

        if ( request.status == 200 || req.status == 304 ) {

            results = request.responseText;

            alert( results );

        } else {

            document.getElementById( “error” ).innerHTML = request.statusText;




Just after a second click on the icon will set the row bold.

Can you help me.

Om the way my best best wisches for the New Year.

Regards Klaus

Just after a second click on the icon will set the row bold.

The problem is in row ID detection, in fact, the first time when icon clicked it still not selected yet ( click event not reached grid yet ) , so the row ID detected incorrectly which will ruin all other logic.

there are two possible solution

a) move deleteItem  call from img tag to the onRowSelect event ( you can check which cell was clicked and execute delete logic, when cell with image was clicked ) - in such case there will not be any problems with incorrect ID

b) hardcode row ID as part of action command for each image

( the ID can be retrieved from native html event object as well - but it will rellay on not documeted properties which is not the safe way )