setLoadMode problem

Hello again. I read somewhere on this forum that problem with dynamic loading can be caused by bad server side scripts, that don’t serve the right month. But I have this problem in a very basic setup with the newest version of the Scheduler. Here are my steps after downloading and unpacking the v2.2 Standard Edition Full Package:

  1. I load the sample database from common/dump_events.sql (only the fragment with “events” table)
  2. I delete all data from table “events” (just for clarity).
  3. I set my password and db name in config
  4. In 01_initialization_loading/05_loading_mysql.htm l change
    scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2009,10,1),"month");
  5. I go to the scheduler and put some basic event on August 2.
  6. I refresh the page
  7. I change the view tab to month
  8. I go to August.

And it’s not there. If I go to some other month and back to August, it’ll be there.
But also, importantly, if I don’t see it, and start adding an event in this month, in this view, it’ll appear.

Any ideas why this is not right? Dynamic loading is a great feature and I’d really like to enable it in my project.

As fast workaround you can add

scheduler.attachEvent("onXLE", function(){ scheduler.setCurrentView(scheduler._date); })

It will force data rendering, which must resolve issue.

We have some similar reports, but problem can’t be reconstructed locally, so exact reason is not clear. If you have some spare time we can provide custom build of dhtmlxscheduler with additional logging , to investigate why the problem occurs.

OK, I’d like to try this.

Try to replace existing js file with the attached one and repeat the problematic scenario ( without above mentioned workaround )

There will be textarea with log info in the right part of window - please send back its content to the or post it in this topic. (29.4 KB)

OK, here it is (after page load, then month tab click, then next month click):

data loading end data rendering: false data added data parsed data loading start xml loading: php/events.php?timeshift=-120&uid=1280233272543&from=2010-09-01&to=2010-10-01 cache missed to: Fri Oct 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) from: Wed Sep 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) dynamical laoding confirmed conditional xml loading: undefined update view data loading end data rendering: false data added data parsed data loading start xml loading: php/events.php?timeshift=-120&uid=1280233272542&from=2010-06-01&to=2010-07-01 cache missed to: Thu Jul 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) from: Tue Jun 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) dynamical laoding confirmed conditional xml loading: undefined update view data loading end data rendering: false data added data parsed data loading start xml loading: php/events.php?timeshift=-120&uid=1280233272541&from=2010-07-01&to=2010-09-01 cache missed to: Wed Sep 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) from: Thu Jul 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (CET) dynamical laoding confirmed conditional xml loading: Tue Jul 27 2010 14:21:12 GMT+0200 (CET) enter single render mode rendering logic update view

Problem confirmed and fixed.
Try to use the attached js file. (50.4 KB)

That works perfectly, thanks. Great support you have here :slight_smile:


Thanks for this fix. I posted a similar post about 8 months back and no one understood what I was going through. I’m glad someone else experienced it.

Maybe this fix should be included in the next revision of the product. I think it’s quite a major bug.



This issue should be resolved with the 2.3 release.

Best regards,