setText on accordion not working if icon present

the setText of accordion function does not check for an icon being first element, the following fixes it but is probably not bullet proof:

this.conf.text = text;
if (this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr].firstChild.className != “dhx_cell_hdr_icon”) {
this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr].firstChild.innerHTML = “” + text + “”;
} else {
this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr].childNodes[1].innerHTML = “” + text + “”;

Thank you for sharing this info.
We will consider this situation

But you still can set item text on init as in a sample: … icons.html

dhtmlXAccordionCell.prototype.setText = function(text) { this.conf.text = text; var t = this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr]; t.childNodes[(t.firstChild.className=="dhx_cell_hdr_icon"?1:0)].innerHTML = "<span>"+text+"</span>"; t = null; };

I would like for this to be fixed in future versions as well. I am using font awesome, so I did a simple tweak to the solution above…

dhtmlXAccordionCell.prototype.setText = function (text) { this.conf.text = text; var t = this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr]; t.childNodes[(t.firstChild.className.substring(0, 6) == "fa fa-" ? 1 : 0)].innerHTML = "<span>" + text + "</span>"; t = null; };