How can we set separate color for each event added in the scheduler? Right now the color is common (#FFE763) for all the events added. How can we change this for each event.
Great tool
Thank you for your time.
My original requirement is when a user add an event/schedule he/she can be able to select a color.
I am attaching a screenshot what i am thinking. In the picture you can see profiles P1,P2 and p3. when user select a profile say P1 and create a event box the box will have the orange color , when user clicks on profile P3 and then create an event the color will be yellow similar to profile P2. Also i would like to save the color/profile id in databse so that i can redraw the saved one with selected color.
Please let me know if you have any ideas and suggestions.
Thanks again
The same approach , which described in above article can be used in your case.
You can define additional property “color” in server side code
$scheduler->render_table(“events”,“event_id”,“start_date,end_date,event_name,color”); // color field in db
and on client side
scheduler.config. lightbox={
sections:[ {name:“description”, height:200, map_to:“text”, type:“textarea” , focus:true},
{name:“color_name”, height:200, map_to:“color”, type:“select” , options:[
{key:“red”, label:“red”},
{key:“blue”, label:“blue”},
{key:“green”, label:“green”},
{name:“time”, height:72, type:“time”, map_to:“auto”} ]
return event.color;
and as last step - define color rules
/event in day or week view/
.dhx_cal_event.red div{
background-color:red !important;
color:white !important;
/multi-day event in month view/
background-color:red !important;
color:white !important;
same for other used colors
Thank you… let me modify as you suggested.
Thanks Dear, Your code is successfully work.
Any will tell how to set the end time automatically according to select the events
You can alter end time from onEventSave handler, in this point you have all info from lightbox and can modify the data in necessary way before real in-DB saving.
hi Stanislav,
i am understanding what u say,but how we change in .js file i don’t know. if u define clearly. how change the .js file.
You need not change anything in original js files
Just add extra code on the page like next
scheduler.attachEvent("onEventSave", function(id, data){
//you can modify event properties based on your business rules
if (data.section_id = 1)
data.end_date = scheduler.date.add(data.start_date, 1, "day");
hi Stanislav,
i am new in dhtmlx. if i add your code in .js file the save button is not working.
i am attaching our .js code.please correct in your way.
Please check and modify the attached file . according to problem .
If issue still occurs - please provide demo link or any other kind of sample, where issue can be reconstructed.