Setting grid column combo default

hello, I set one of my grid column to “coro”, and I added options.


var comboBox=dhx_Grid3.getCombo(4);
comboBox.put(“0”, “Analog Input”);
comboBox.put(“3”, “Digital Input”);
comboBox.put(“19”, “MultiState Input”);

and I want to set default value of comboBox to “Analog Input”, so I added code like this.
dhx_Grid3.addRow(id,[0,id, servername,“Analog Input”]);

If I run code, there is another option below my options, “Analog Input”.
but I just want to select the first option.

I tried “dhx_Grid3.cells(id, 4).getCellCombo.selectOption(0)” or “dhx_Grid3.cells(id,4).getCombo().selectOption(0)” but either didn’t work. how can I solve this?
And plus, how can I get their value, like 0 or 3 or 19? just dhx_Grid3.cells(id,4).getValue() would be fine for me?
I’m using pro 4.4.

hello, nobody can help me?
you need to operate with the value, not with the title.
getValue() also works well