I am creating a page which attaches dhxGrid inside dhx Tabbar and dhx Accordion (2 different parts in one page). The page uses AJAX to get data from the server and parsing the returned data with the grid to display onto the page. The page works fine, but due to the length of time it requires to get the data from server I want to show an image in the part where the grid is suppose to be while the page is loading. I am hoping there should a property of the grid I can attach HTML directly like the DOM function innerHTML.
If this can not be achieved then I would like to attach HTML code directly onto the currently opened dhxTabbar and dhxAccordion panel, can these be done?
Thanks in advance
There is no way for direct HTML injecting. Component has events , which can be used for custom HTML showing|hiding
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/kb/inde … es&s=onxls