Setting input field attributes

I have these input fields placed on the form. The placement is right.

I must specify position:“absolute” to add placeholder text in the fields. When I specify that information as shown in the form data shown next the placement is wrong.

{ type: "input", offsetLeft: 20, label: "Start time", name: "start_time", inputWidth: 80, inputHeight: 18, position: "absolute", inputTop: 300, inputLeft: 400, }, { type: "input", offsetLeft: 20, label: "End time", name: "end_time", inputWidth: 80, inputHeight: 18, position: "absolute", inputTop: 350, inputLeft: 400, }, { type: "newcolumn" }, { type: "combo", name: "start_time_ampm", inputWidth: 40, options:[ {value: "AM", text: "AM"}, {value: "PM", text: "PM"} ], }, { type: "combo", name: "end_time_ampm", inputWidth: 40, options:[ {value: "AM", text: "AM"}, {value: "PM", text: "PM"} ], },

This is what the placement looks like for this. The labels for “time” shown in the circle are overlapped and the input fields don’t show at all.

What do I have wrong in the form data?


Try this:

{type: "block", inputWidth: 400, list: [ {type: "calendar", label: "Start date", inputWidth: 70, dateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d", name: "start_date", enableTime: false, calendarPosition: "right"}, {type: "calendar", label: "End date", inputWidth: 70, dateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d", name: "end_date", enableTime: false, calendarPosition: "right"}, {type: "newcolumn"}, {type: "input", offsetLeft: 20, label: "Start time", inputWidth: 70}, {type: "input", offsetLeft: 20, label: "End time", inputWidth: 70}, {type: "newcolumn"}, {type: "combo", name: "end_time_ampm", inputWidth: 45, options:[ {value: "AM", text: "AM"}, {value: "PM", text: "PM"} ]}, {type: "combo", name: "end_time_ampm", inputWidth: 45, options:[ {value: "AM", text: "AM"}, {value: "PM", text: "PM"} ]} ]}