Setting value to cell, disables the cell

  1. on setting value to grid cell at onEditCell event function (stage 1), the cell becomes un-editable.

  2. How to make the status of cell un-modified even after changing the cell value at onEditCell event function (stage 1, stage 2)

  1. on setting value to grid cell at onEditCell event function (stage 1), the cell becomes un-editable.
    Please, try to use the following solution on the stage 1:

grid.attachEvent("onEditCell", function(stage,rId,cInd,nValue,oValue){ if(stage==1&&grid.editor&&grid.editor.obj){ this.editor.obj.value="----" } return true });

  1. How to make the status of cell un-modified even after changing the cell value at onEditCell event function (stage 1, stage 2):
    Please, try to use: