setTransactionMode in dhtmlxTree

I am trying to send all tree items to processor page for update whenever an item has been dragged and therefore the order needs updating. I am using the following:

myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor(“inc_tree_functions_v2_processor.asp”);
myDataProcessor.setTransactionMode(“POST”, true)

The debug log says:

Initiating data sending for all rows
row 112 marked [updated,valid]
Initiating data sending for 112
Initiating data sending for all rows
Sending all data at once
Server url: inc_tree_functions_v2_processor.asp parameters
Server response received details
Incorrect SID, item with such ID not exists in grid <!---- Here is my problem!
Action: update SID: TID:
row unmarked [updated,valid]
Initiating data sending for all rows
Sending all data at once
Server url: inc_tree_functions_v2_processor.asp parameters

I cant work out what the “Incorrect SID” means and whether it is because this is looking for the dhtmlxgrid and not dhtmlxtree.

Have I misunderstood? It seems to send through the item I have dragged but then fails.

Any help would be great, thanks


While message is a bit confusing, real check is different in case of tree. And message occurs if “sid” attribute in the response has not related item in the tree.

If you are using custom server side code, be sure that it returns xml as

<data> <action type="updated" sid="id" tid="id" /> </data>

where id - id of updated item

Thanks for the reply, I guess my confusion is that I am expecting more than 1 id in the “ids”, if I have set the configuration to “send all data”. And then on the server end I would loop through the list of ids and then update the database accordingly, but its only sending the id of the item I have dragged.

Any ideas where I am going wrong?



but its only sending the id of the item I have dragged.
It will send ids of all UPDATED items, so if you have update one item - one id will be send, if you have updated multiple items - multiple ids will be sent.

I understand you. Is there a way of sending all ids of the same parent and their order so I can update the database? Or is there a way of sending all ids even if they have not been updated?

Thanks again


Nope, but you can mark the necessary items with

dp.setUpdated(id, true, “updated”);

where id - id of item which you need to have at the server side.