is undefined ! () { alert(; });

is giving Javascript eror

Am I missing to include a js file ?

It applies only to mobile scheduler, are you using it there?

Kind regards,

Hello Ilya,

No i am not in Mobile.
I am in MVC. Is there a way to clearall() without refreshing the scheduler ?

Actually Ilya,

my problem is really in the load fucntion.
I have a view with a scheduler and some filtering options.
I have change my code to use the following:

public JsonResult jsonData(int? officeid, int? locationid, long? providerid, int? typeid) {//events for loading to scheduler var p = providerSchedulerRepository.getEvent(officeid, locationid, providerid, typeid); return Json(p); }
Also, I make a call and then use

scheduler.parse(data, "json");

For some reason, after the refresh call finishes, another call is made to the orginal
[code]public ActionResult Data(int? officeid, int? locationid, long? providerid, int? typeid)
{//events for loading to scheduler

        return new SchedulerAjaxData( providerSchedulerRepository.getEvent(officeid, locationid,  providerid, typeid) );

which refresh the screen with all data !!! :frowning:

how would we go best around this ?