show calendar in shrmlxgrid


i m using dhtmlxgrid video samples example and i have to add “dhxCalendarA” then it will give me error

incorrect cell type

can u plz tell me how we add the dhxcalendarA in my dhtmlxgrid

below is my code

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

















    $grid = new GridConnector($res);



            $grid->render_sql(“select * from shot,shotTaskArtist where shotTaskArtist.projID=shot.projID and shot.projID=‘om’ and shotTaskArtist.shotID_new=shot.shotID order by shot.shotID asc”,“shot_task_id”,“checkEfficiency,overDue,difficulty,shotID_new,shotStatus,taskID,TaskREF,task_note,manDays,userID,taskStatus,startDate,endDate,task_priority,actualMandays,supervisorName”);


please reply me as soon as possible



dhxCalendar type requires that dhtmlxgrid_excell_dhxCalendar.js, dhtmlxcalendar.js, dhtmlxcalendar.css and dhtmlxcalendar_yahoolike.css are also included.

The sample in grid package is dhtmlxGrid/samples/01_cell_types/01_calendar_grid.html, on our website - … _grid.html