Show custom properties in Tooltip

I have extended the DHXEvent java class, adding some custom properties.
The events are opened using a custom LightBox.
I would like to know if it is possible to show these custom properties also in the tooltip.

What I have done is to add the “TOOLTIP” extension to the scheduler

The code used for changing the tooltip text is this

scheduler.templates.setTooltipText("message {id}");

But when I try to add a custom property (e.g. one of those not specified in the DHXEvent class), the tooltip shows “undefined”, instead of the value of the property.

How can I access the other properties of the event?

Thanks for the reply!

are you sure that this new property exists in event object?
Please, make sure that it’s available in event. You may inspect events from dev tools console using the follow code:


Unfortunately I cannot see the content of scheduler._events.
Anyway I think that the problem is that my custom properties are not in the javascript object…
How can I make them visible in the js code?

Have you used method DHXPlanner.setName in javaplanner initialization code? You should use this name instead of ‘scheduler._events’.