show data in grid


i want to show data in grid but i some other way i m sending u my code and tell u everything

$grid->render_sql(“select shot_task_id,shotID_new,thumbPath,shotStatus,taskID from shot,shotTaskArtist,plate where shotTaskArtist.projID=shot.projID and shot.projID=’”.$_REQUEST[‘projid’]."’ and shotTaskArtist.shotID_new=shot.shotID and plate.shotID=shot.shotID and plate.projID=’".$_REQUEST[‘projid’]."’ group by shot.shotID asc",“shot_task_id”,“shotID_new,thumbPath,shotStatus,taskStatus,taskID”);


var z = new dhtmlXCombo(“combo_zone3”, “alfa3”, 170);

        z.loadXML(“common/test.php?projid=<?php echo $projIDs;?>”);

        z.attachEvent(“onChange”,function() {

        var selected_value=z.getActualValue();


        mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);






//     mygrid.setInitWidths(“50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50”);









    var dp = new dataProcessor(“conn.php”);




in the task status column contain i have to show task but not the all example: suppose in my taskstatus contain WIP,AWC,MIT like three task status then it will show WIP like . and also also the remaining column contain i have count the value and show the number how much are in my database .

plz tell me how i display in the grid.

waiting for reply

please reply me as soon as possible



You can add beforeRender handler to process extra fields

function my_code($data){
$tasks = $data->get_value(“taskStatus”); //value from db

$data->set_value(“taskStatus”,“WIP”); //final value
$grid->render_sql("select shot_task_id,