in my dhtmlxgrid contain if we are not define the date then it will show me the date “0000-00-00” and if i double click the cell then it will shoe me datetimepicker and date must be november-1 . i want when i click on the cell then it will show me current month calneder like december :2009 not november-1
can u please tell me wht i do for this
i m using dhxCalendarA in mygrid.setCOlTypes
please reply me wht i do
please solved my this problem
i m using to solved my problem as per your solutions but it show me nothing
please tell me wht i do …
i want to show empty cell where the date must be shown in the “0000-00-00” format .
please reply me as soon as possible.
if u not understand my problem then please tell me . i m trying to send more clearly with the help of example.
i m using to solved my problem as per your solutions but it show me nothing
>>please tell me wht i do …
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