Show gantt chart refer to project id

in this case, i add a new table in database named Project with proid as primary key and it will be add into gantt_tasks as foreign key.

when i click on project then will go to page for display gantt chart refer to project proid.

and also when the new data added into database, the project id also will be insert into database

can you specify what you use on server side and what the problem is?
Using the ‘project id’ for separating the data is the expected approach

If you use php connector, it has built-in filtering methods

You can also attach appropriate project id before saving a record to the database … foresaving

Thanks for reply…

im not sure what im using in server side, i just follow the step in url below:

Actually there is no problem in displaying a gantt chart, but i want to create a database with several projects, i create a table in html and a link for each project to display its own gantt chart.
But, i don’t know how to generate gantt chart refer to project id.

is there any example for this situation?

yon90, did you manage to solve this issue?