Show progress while loading URL

I have a URL that takes a 3-8 seconds to load into the window and I would like to give some indication to the user that something is working so they know to wait.

I would be happy with any of the following:

1.) I would like to have the progress spinner show while the URL is loading and stop when it is done. I tried to the following unsuccessfully…it turns it on then off right away because the attachURL does not wait.


w1.setText(“Window Title”);



2.) I would be okay if the text inside the window would show a message that is replaced with the new content. I have tried the following unsuccessfully

w1.setText(“Window Title”);

w1.attachURL(“”); //Simple HTML that just says “Loading…please wait…”


1.) I would like to have the progress spinner show while the URL
It was a bit hard to implement with original code , you can try to use attached version instead of original one ( latest build ) - it provides additional event - onContentLoaded


w1.setText(“Window Title”);

dhxWins.attachEvent(“onContentLoaded”, function(win){

w1.attachURL(“”); (14.2 KB)

Hello, I’ve the same need.

Does this new feature (onContentLoaded) will take part of the official next version of dhtmlxwindows ?

Yes, this event will be part of next version of dhtmlxWindows.