Hi, I have a requirement to show “delay drivers” in the Gantt Chart. The logic is if I select a specific task/milestone from the lists of tasks/milestones present in the gantt, I want the system to show me the tasks which are driving the selected task.(i.e.; if any of those tasks delayed my selected task/milestone will get delayed). In order to delay the specific task/milestone selected it has to be dependent. I already have the logic done in the backend and I am trying the plot the data in the dhtmlx gantt and it plots well.
Now I want to reverse the gantt, I want the selected specific task to be last.
Check out this example,
In the example you can see the if I click the start time, it wont sort because of the dependency, What I want is that the selected specific milestone will be the task the gantt end with all its dependent tasks will be above it.