Sidebar Not Displaying Events


Recently I decided to upgrade the plugin to the latest version but upon doing so I received several errors with the php file. The calendar on the page displays but the sidebar is blank.

So, I uninstalled the latest version and downgraded to the version that was working but that version, although doesn’t return any errors, shows a blank sidebar widget with no events.

Is there a way to completely remove the plugin and all its associated data and then reinstall it? Alternatively, is there a way I can fix the widget?


Mine is doing the same. Was working pre-update this morning.

please, open file wp-content/plugins/event-calendar-scheduler/scheduler.php and find function scheduler_sidebar. Replace the follow code in it:

	$usertype = $current_user->user_level;
	if (isset($current_user->roles[0])) {
		$usertype = $current_user->roles[0];
	} else {
		$usertype = 'guest';

	if ($scheduler->get_option("access_".$usertype."View") != 'true') {
		return '';

with the follow:

	if (isset($current_user->roles[0]))
		$usertype = $current_user->roles[0];
		$usertype = '-1';

	if ($scheduler->can('view', $usertype))

Plugin will be updated in wordpress repository soon.

That fixed mine thankyou :slight_smile:.

Thanks, all fixed!

will this work for the Joomla Scheduler. none of the events are showing.

Pls help. Thanks.

there is no scheduler sidebar for Joomla plugin. There is a special module for this target, but it’s not optimized for scheduler 3.0 plugin. Did you mean something else?