I’ve been thinking about integrating dhtmlxScheduler as Silverstripe CMS module. Everything else is quite simple except database integration. Silverstripe uses database abstraction such as:
class Scheduler extends DataObject {
static $db = array(
'event_id' => 'Int',
'event_name' => 'Varchar',
'start_date' => 'SSDatetime',
'end_date' => 'SSDatetime',
'details' => 'Text',
This will include forementioned fields and db fields that Scheduler class extends. My question is, as I don’t know too much about programming and DB programming in php, what would be the most logical way to integrate Silverstripe database usage with dhtmlxscheduler, since I don’t want to have a separate database for the calendar and silverstripe installation. Benefits of using Silverstripe DB system would also, hopefully, be automatic multiple calendar support.