Similar problem with combo width


I’ve run into a similar problem with the combo width in filtering mode. I have white-space:nowrap set for .dhx_combo_list in the CSS and combo.autoOptionSize=true; for the combo box.
As I’m typing into the filter text box, the div that gets returned is set to a little bit wider than the combo input textbox. I have to leave focus of the textbox and come back in order for the div to resize itself. Is there a way to resize that div as the filter receives xml from the server?

Thanks for the help,


There is no API in existing component ( it will be probably added in to next build ), so for now custom code is the only way to achieve such effect
You can add next code

var updater = function(){   //this code resize option list to max option width
            var x=this.DOMlist.offsetWidth;

            for ( var i=0; i<this.optionsArr.length; i++)

                if (this.DOMlist.childNodes[i].scrollWidth > x)



