I want to use simplevault to manage the sending of files on my form, I am using php on the server side:
const form = new dhx.Form("form", {
css: "dhx_widget--bg_white dhx_widget--bordered",
padding: "20",
rows: [
type: "input",
label: "Identifiant",
labelPosition: "left",
icon: "dxi dxi-magnify",
labelWidth: "130px",
required: true,
placeholder: "Identifiant du client",
id: "identifiant",
name: "identifiant"
type: "input",
label: "Nom du client",
labelPosition: "left",
icon: "dxi dxi-magnify",
placeholder: "Nom du client",
labelWidth: "130px",
required: true,
id: "nom",
name: "nom"
type: "simpleVault",
required: true,
label: "Fichiers",
labelPosition: "left",
labelWidth: "130px",
id: "simplevault",
name: "simplevault"
align: "end",
cols: [
gravity: false,
type: "button",
submit: false,
value: "Envoyer",
size: "medium",
view: "flat",
color: "primary",
id: "button",
name: "button"
form.events.on("ButtonClick", function(id,e){
form.send("ged.php", "POST");
In the server side, the simplevault is null
identifiant: "H123HG"
nom: "Ammehd Ammehd"
simplevault: [{}, {}, {}]
0: {}
1: {}
2: {}
Can you help me please .