Simplifying styles and usage of windows styles


I have implemented common solution for error dialog handling but unfortunatelly for me each html file that wants to show error dialog now needs to link two additional style files: dhtmlxwindows.css and skins/dhtmlxwindows_dhx_skyblue.css

This is too complicated as there are many files and link part of html files grow bigger and bigger and things are being less simple and readable.

I tried to change file dhtmlx.css to include those two additional css files automatically but I failed when I put it to end or start. It looks like there is mess in final style or style is lost. Buttons are hidden, position of text is moved and it is somehow transparent.
@import url(./windows/dhtmlxwindows.css);
@import url(./windows/skins/dhtmlxwindows_dhx_skyblue.css);

Is there a common solution that does not require many links and javascript includes while using dhtmlx components? I have also file as we have bought whole package and still I do not know how to do it as it still does not work.



libCompiler allows to generate dhtmlx.js and dhtmlx.css files which contains libraries for the component you have chosen - dhtmlxSuite/libCompiler/index.html

Thank you, I will try it.

Your help is very much appreciated!
