Smartrendering with pagination

codes are  below
gr.setPagingWTMode(true, true, true, false, true);
gr.enablePaging(true,100, 10,“pagingArea”);
Its shows a long grid with only showing 100 rows. left parts are shown as blank.when i click on next page its very difficulty to load. can you please provide code for … aging.html

enablePaging and enableSmartRendering are mutually exclusive functionalities. Paging mode increase loading perfomance itself. There is no sence use it with enableSmartRendering() method.
>>. can you please provide code for
Code for this sample is availible in PRO version only. If you have PRO version you can find this sample code in your package dhtmlxGrid/samples/loading_big_datasets/50000_paging.html

thanks for giving support.