I made two dhtmlxCalendar like this.
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … _init.html
I want to made them:
1.With a img to click then be selected the date.
And “Click textbox to show Calendar” is disable.
Like this:
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … itive.html
2.Let the two text box show today’s day.
Any idea?
There are the codes:
====Code Start====
====Code End====
So, why don’t you use initialization like here: dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … itive.html ?
Because I don’t need this more complex example…
And I can not make it suitable to me…
Because I don’t need this more complex example…
You may use only the functionality you need.
In this example the input is readonly:
Moreover it demonstrates how to show calendar when image is clicked.
<img onClick=“showCalendar(1)” …/>
Method setOnClickHandler sets function that is called when date is selected in calendar.
I don’t want it readonly.
I want it that click the text input not show Calendar,
and show calendar when image is clicked.
But it does not work.
function rb(k)