Some plugins is not normal

I want to use it in vue.But I have some problems. The view on the left of most demos on the official website can actively control the size, but when I use vue, I cannot actively control the size. How should I solve this problem?

export default {
data() {
return {
tasks: {
data: [id: 1, start_date: ‘01-04-2018’, duration: 18]
mounted() {

Do you want to resize the grid?
If yes, that feature is available only in the Pro and Trial versions. If you have one of those versions, you need to install it to your project. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Unpack Gantt to a specific folder, for example, to /opt/gantt_pro
  2. If your Gantt version is 6.1.x, you need to replace the package.json file with the following one:
  3. Use the following command to install Gantt:
npm install /opt/gantt_pro

In the following article, you can read more about it:

If you mean something different, please, give me more information about your requirement.