Sort a #connector_select_filter


I have search but not found any information regarding a sort function for a mygrid.attachHeader("#connector_select_filter").

Is there a easy way to sort the output in the selectbox?

I have a bunch of values; D 23, D 21, D25, D 22, D24 …
It would be nice to see; D 21, D 22, D 23, D 24, D25 …

Thanks in advance

Something like next can be used to sort data in select filters

[code]var flag = true;
grid.attachEvent(“onCollectValues”, function(index){
if (flag){
flag = false;
var data = this.collectValues(column);
flag = true;

      return data;
return true;


I can not get this to work…

Which is the index value??

I have narrowed it down to be a problem with this method:


I have included dhtmlxgrid_filter.js but the collectValues method does not return any data…

Unfortunately the issue cannot be reconstructed locally.
Please, provide any kind of sample to reconstruct the issue