Sorting Combo Based Excells


I would like to be able to sort a column of combo excells by the text displayed rather than the value of the selected item.

For example we have a combo populated with a list of employees, the value corresponds to their id in a database and is fairly meaningless in the grid. The grid will sort the following list as “Ben, Andy, Chris” based on value rather than “Andy,Ben,Chris” by their name. Would it be possible to have a special combo sort mode or to write a custom sort function to handle this, I looked at the custom sort code but it seems it is only passed the value and doesn’t have access to the names.



Basically there are two ways to achieve such functionality

a) Using custom sort functions, in case of plain grid it provide 5 parameters

ID of row A*
ID or row B*
    *   - those parameters may be changed in next version of grid.

Something similar to next will work as required

    return (grid.cells(d,3).getText()>grid.cells(e,3).getText())?1:-1;

b) You can made small custom modification in js code of grid, in dhtmlxGrid.js next line can be located
    if (atype==“link”)  amet=“getContent”;
just add next to it
    if (atype==“co”)  amet=“getText”;

this will force usage of combo labels instead of values.