Sorting date entries in calendar view

I see from the examples that one can provide a sort for the TimelineView, by passing in a a sort function:

				name: "timeline",
				sort: timeframeSort

But is there anyway to do the same thing for the calendar view. As an illustration, we’d like to apply a sort to the items you see here:

Hello @rmoskal,

Unfortunately, there is no built-in option for additional sorting in the month view, but you can apply sort by workaround - the idea is to add some seconds to the event start dates(based on custom logic) - so their actual date will stay the same, but their sort position will be changed based on the seconds date part.

Here is a simplified example(click on an event to add 1 second to its date, so it will change its sort order):

Technically you can use the onEventLoading event, and based on some custom sort property, set the event’s seconds part, so it will be sorted higher or lower

Kind regards,