Special Characteres

Using this code:

mygrid= new dhtmlXGridObject(‘DIVGRID’);


When I use this code of DHTMLXGRID in one computer with English Version of windows, works fine. I see the special characters in the Grid Header perfectly.

But, when I use the same code in one computer with Portuguese (Brazilian) of windows, the special characters doest show property. Insted of showing those characters, shows some strange characters.

What do I need to do to fix those characters ?

Please be sure that
a) xml contains correct encoding attribute
b) page in XML , both loaded in same encoding

If problem still occurs for you -please send any kind of sample where issue can be reconstructed to support@dhtmlx.com

But I’m not using XML to create the GRID.

I’m just using JavaScript codes.

How to fix those characters using javascript ?

a) please be sure that you are using the same encoding inside the source code ( encoding used to save file ) and for the HTML page ( both must be UTF, or both must be iso-8859-1 )
b) if you are using UTF - please be sure that default font has glyphs for related characters

The grid output the characters exactly as they way provided , so the only problem which may occur - different encoding used for code saving and code serving by server.