Split Function | Destructing, Reinitializing & Grid State


We have a requirement which specifies that a user should be able to freeze on any column in a grid (Split Mode).

Further to this the user must also be able to change the column which is frozen at any given time while the grid is actively being worked on.

The documentation for the splitAt function states that:

“After applying of the split mode to the grid, it is not possible to recreate the grid structure (reload the grid with a different structure). Such grid can be only destructed.”

From what I have read, the only work around for this problem is to destruct the grid and re-initialize again with a new column specified using the splitAt function.

Is there a straightforward way to destruct and reinitialize the grid whilst maintaining the grids previous state, that would allow for the freeze to be changed at will?


you can move grid initialization in a function, so to reconstruct grid you will need to call

grid.destructor(); grid_init_logic();

But there is no build in logic to fully restore original state ( it possible to use separate API’s to get scrollState and selection, which can be restored after grid recreation )