Is it possible to split hour in 4 lines instead 2?
The reason is to set event for each 15 minutes, therefore 4 per hour.
Is it possible to split hour in 4 lines instead 2?
The reason is to set event for each 15 minutes, therefore 4 per hour.
I’ve checked lines appears auto when adjust property hour_size_px, and it fit with 90 value, but I am afraid it will not display ok in all resolutions.
sched.Config.hour_size_px = 90;
And also if i want to set an hour splitted in four lines in 150px, how to resolve this?
it’s easier to do with the client side code.
Technically single scale unit always contains one hour, you can define it’s html content so it will be splitted into four part(i.e. 15 minutes each) … estep.html
As for lines in calendar area background, in terrace skin it has 44px step, as long as hour_size_px is multiply of 44, scale will look ok.
Thanks. Solved!!
I thought it was solved, but not. Even you modify css value, the height of our is a inline style.
Only works if set hour_sieze_px from server side to 88px
sched.Config.hour_size_px = 88;
And also, it doesn’t show quarters text. Only 8:00, 9:00. But not 8:15…
Where do you get the dotnet code for the samples mentioned ?
Hello Nicck,
Where do you get the dotnet code for the samples mentioned ?
I do not understand what do you mean. All documentation is on website.
But I still have problems, here is how to customize properties.
But, where?? file??? position on file?? I guess is dhtmlxscheduler.js file, bot all .js and .css files are in only one line.
[code][i]var step = 30;
var format ="%H:%i");
scheduler.templates.hour_scale = function(date){
for (var i=0; i<60/step; i++){
I’ve resolved it.
You must add it in view or in a new linked .js, not in the included .js, but in fact this is not specified.
Check the comment section of the page you mentioned.the team has provided the link to download a sample.check it