Split parent and children or show split tasks as children in resource management?

I’m not sure if there’s a way to achieve this, but is there a way for a parent to show a summary of its child split tasks? Essentially, I would like the parent row in this picture to be broken down by week, but totaling across all its child groups. If not possible this way could I achieve it with the resource management extension?

Something similar to this

In case you want to expand a split task right from the grid interface, there are two special configuration options open_split_tasks and open_tree_initially that will help you. You need to set boolean values true to make a split task expandable. There is an article about open_tree_initially:
There is an information about open_split_tasks:
Please check the following snippet: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/u5c9mjxo

I’m not sure if there’s a way to achieve this, but is there a way for a parent to show a summary of its child split tasks?

If I understood, you want to display the amount of money from the child tasks to the parent. Unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality for this, but it could be implemented in a custom solution. The logic of this solution is to collect the money in the desired range. Calculate the amount of the money from the date range and display it at the project.
One of the options to show a summary of child tasks is to use gantt.addTaskLayer.The article about it: https://docs.dhtmlx.com/gantt/api__gantt_addtasklayer.html
To collect money, you can use gantt.eachTask method and check if the date range includes child tasks. The article about it:
For example, it can look like this:

gantt.eachTask(function (child) {

        const left_part = +start_date < +child.end_date &&
            +child.end_date < +end_date;
        const right_part = +start_date < +child.start_date &&
            +child.start_date < +end_date;

        const through = +child.start_date < +start_date &&
            +end_date < +child.end_date;

        const within = +start_date <= +child.start_date &&
            +child.end_date <= +end_date;

        if (left_part || right_part || through || within) {
            total += +child.money || 0;
    }, task.id)
where `start_date` and `end_date` are the variables of projects dates and `total` is your summary.

Please check how could it be used in the example:

I would like the parent row in this picture to be broken down by week, but totaling across all its child groups. If not possible this way could I achieve it with the resource management extension?

Currently, there is no built-in way to display tasks in the resource timeline.
We provide a customization service for a fee. If you want us to implement it for you, you can contact the Sales team by using the following email:

Thanks mate - I ended up using the custom layer approach rather than utilizing the resources grid.