SplitAt does not display with two columns - Urgent


The splitat functionality is working fine if there are more than 3 columns are present but it is not displaying the grid in a proper manner i.e. it grid is displaying only the left side of the splitted grid when there are less than 3 columns.

The syntaxs’ which i’ve tried are.


Response.Write “”

Response.Write “<call command=”“splitAt”">1"

Response.Write “”

In js




I’m unable to acheive the functionality. I’m also making use of the ‘Smartrendering’, ‘enableAutoHeight’, ‘EnableAutoWidth’, ‘enableColumnMove’ and ‘setSkin’ functionalities. Does these affect the functionality in anyways?

I’m also making use of the
All mentioned modes compatible with split functionality.

>>The syntaxs’ which i’ve tried are.
You need to use only one call of splitAt
If configuration done from XML - splitAt must be placed in XML as well
If configuration defined in js code - splitAt must be called as js command.

Please be sure that on moment of initialization width of first column is smaller than grid width, in other case the point of split can be placed in such manner that left part of grid will take all visible space.

Thanks for the speedy relply.

>>You need to use only one call of splitAt
I was using only one method at a time. I mean to say i tried those two methods(Seperately). Still i was getting the same problem.

>> width of first column is smaller than grid width

i have set the column size as 100. And then i have made use of the functionality ‘grid.enableAutoWidth(true,500);’. I’m using the split functionality to ‘grid.splitat(1)’

to split at column one.

>>If configuration done from XML - splitAt must be placed in XML as well
Could you be a bit clear on this?


I was able to reconstruct issue - it was caused by the way, how enableAutoWidth works in split mode - it takes only rows right to split in account, which may cause problem in your case.
We will fix issue in next build, for now the combination of enableAutoWidth and split may be counted as incompatible.