splitAt sort


We are using Pro version of the grid V 1.6 build 80603. When apply a split using splitAt(2) the Grid renders ok but when sorting or filtering the Grid fails. With the error “Could not get the display property. Invalid argument.” Using the debugger on IE7 it identifies the following line as the source of the error.


Strangely this does not occur in firefox?

Have you any ideas?

Scott Bailey

While issue can’t be reconstructed locally ( actually latest code has not such line at all ) - the issue may be caused by IE’s strict attribute parsing behavior. ( IE may throw error if property value is unknown )
You can try to replace mentioned line with


If issue still occurs - please provide any kind of sample where problem can be reconstructed ( you can send such info directly to support@dhtmlx.com )


Many thanks - this fix works fine. Oddly we have other grids on the site that don’t have this problem but the solution above works fine.
