
With splitAt(1) specified, I get an intermittent problem (on page refresh or load) where the frozen section of the treegrid is initially displayed, then the content disappears. The non-frozen section content remains visible.

I’m firing splitAt(1) from an onload event. I tried it after the myTreeGrid.init() (see below), but that removed the frozen section altogether. It seems as though the splitAt(1) somehow causes the frozen section content to disappear/hide as it performs the split.

Here’s the code:

//** Set up the context menu

    myMenu = new dhtmlXMenuObject(null,“standard”);


//** Set up the Tree Grid

    myTreeGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);


    myTreeGrid.setHeader(“Project / Option,id,Sub Programme,R&VI3,R&VI4,R&VI5,Type,Class,Details,Created by,Created,Last updated by,Updated”);












// Sub Programme Generate this list from db

    var comboboxSubProg = myTreeGrid.getCombo(2);


// Project Type Generate this list from db

    var comboboxType = myTreeGrid.getCombo(6);


// Project Class Generate this list from db






    myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor(“project_option_update.php”);





//    myDataProcessor.setVerificator(3,checkIfNotZero)

    myDataProcessor.setUpdateMode(“off”);//available values: cell (default), row, off




        doLog("Item was "+cType+"ed. Item id is " + newId);myTreeGrid.selectRowById(newId);




Thanks and regards


In case of dhtmlxgrid 1.6 or earlier, the splitAt command must be called only after grid.init


>>It seems as though the splitAt(1) somehow causes the frozen section content to disappear/hide as it performs the split.
Such effect may occur if you are calling splitAt after data loading in grid, in such case, for loaded data , only right part will be visible.

Apart from the dataprocessor which says it’s version is //v.1.0 build 80512, all other included js files say they are //v.2.0 build 81009

Here’s what’s included:

>>Such effect may occur if you are calling splitAt after data loading in grid, in such case, for loaded data , only right part will be visible.
Even if I do…:
…all I see are the columns after the split column.

I’m wondering if this might be a browser-specific issue.  I’m using IE6.



I’m wondering if this might be a browser-specific issue. I’m using IE6.
Version which you are using works correctly for IE6 in local tests.

By any chance, is it possible, that php feed return not only the data but the section as well ? ( in such case reinit of grid will occur which can cause different errors for grid in split mode )

Working sample with the same codebase sent by email.