Well, that seems to have gotten me a bit further. Then I got a new error that I wasn’t getting before - I kept getting an invalid argument error message in my Joomla Media Manager of all things and a Javascript error too. Turns out there was an error on line 38 of spreadsheet.php and so I changed line 38 from this:
public function onContentBeforeDisplay($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart) {
to this:
public function onBeforeContentDisplay($context, &$article, &$params, $limitstart) {
and those error messages went away (totally guessing as I am not a programmer, but since that is the way it was listed on line 30 and there was no error message for that line, I figured it was worth a shot). Anyway, that fixed that problem and so now I am back to the original issue. Now I actually get [[spreadsheet]] to display on the page, so at least it is not blank anymore. Progress