

i have downloaded the Spreadsheet plugin for joomla 1.5, installed it, and enabled the plugin,
when i create a new article with the [[spreadsheet]], nothing shows up in my article, just blank/white space, am i missing something for the code to work properly.

Thank you

just to show you what it does,

does any JavaScript error occur?
Could you provide link to your page with spreadsheet?

unfortunatly this is an internal site. i get a few errors, the second screen shot(with 3 errors), is with the plugin enabled, and the first screenshot with 1 error, is what i get when i disable the plugin.

when i look at the log files from php, nothing shows up in there as errors

please, provide page source code from IE. The most interesting peace of code is spreadsheet initialization. I guess there is some error in it.

Great thank you, here is the Source From IE8



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Written by Administrator   
Friday, 13 April 2012 08:06 AM

Last Updated on Friday, 13 April 2012 08:22 AM





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bug is confirmed.
To fix it you have to open file plugins/content/spreadsheet/spreadsheet_common.php
and modify it like here:

		if ($this->get('first_time')) {
			$init .= "dhtmlxEvent(window, 'load', onload_func_{$uid});";
			$this->set('first_time', false);
		} else
			$init .= "onload_func_{$uid}();";

The last line here was changed, it should fix initializing second spreadsheet.

GREAT, i will try that and report news tonight, thank you so much.

the second spreadsheet, i c’ant even get the first one working, even with the change of the code. still blank, like before
and how often is the downloadable package updated?

Try to press F12 in IE, in opened debugger select tab Script and Console (in right panel).
There should be a little more information about error.
If to press on it then line which cause error should be opened. Could you provide code which caused errors?

ok, i did as requested and here is a screenshot of what i get.

oops forgot to attach, here it is

try to modify spreadsheet_data.php file like here:

		if ($this->get('first_time')) {
			$init .= "dhtmlxEvent(window, 'load', onload_func_{$uid});\n";
			$this->set('first_time', false);
		} else
			$init .= "onload_func_{$uid}();\n";

Still doesn’t work?

do you mean to add this to Spreadsheet_common.php, i edit my spreadsheet_data.php but dont see anything close to what i should be editing

no, such code should present in spreadsheet_data.php, it’s at the end of method get_spreadsheet_client(), isn’t it?

Hello. I am also having this issue, running a Joomla 2.5.4 site and getting a blank screen when viewing the spreadsheet through my Joomla site. I have the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: dhtmlxEvent is not defined. I made the change to spreadsheet_common.php described two posts above as I also did not see any similar code in spreadsheet_data.php, nor did I see the reference to “client” code as mentioned in the post above.

Can someone tell me if there was a resolve to this topic, and if so, what it was? Did the code changes mentioned work for you all?

Thank You.

could you provide link to your spreadsheet page?
By the way, you were right guys, this code located in spreadsheet_common.php, sorry.

Hi, I went into my site and did a bit of tweaking - got rid of a couple extensions that I thought might be causing conflicts and that we weren’t really using anymore anyway, and then uninstalled and reinstalled the spreadsheet extension and made the modifications to the code again as outlined in the previous post. I am no longer receiving the error message that I got before, and in fact am receiving no error messages at all (yay!). However, I am also still not seeing the spreadsheet, the page is still blank, so not complete success.

I can share a link to the page where the spreadsheet can be found on our site as you requested, but it is in a private area of our site so I would have to give you a login/password. I am happy to do so if that is okay with you, just let me know how you would like that information sent to you.

Thank you,

please, send me login/password in a private message.

I have submitted the details via private message as requested.

Thank You!

please, open file plugins/content/spreadsheet/spreadsheet.php and modify it like here:

protected function get_url() {
	$baseurl = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
	$baseurl .= (strrpos($baseurl, '/') === strlen($baseurl) - 1) ? '' : '/';
	return "http://".$baseurl."plugins/content/spreadsheet/";

For some reasons script detects not correct url to spreadsheet sources.