I installed the plugin and activated it. There were no errors.
I created a new page. I used this example: [[spreadsheet?&width=600px&height=400px&id=3&color_scheme=salad]]
I saved the page and clicked preview. The page generates but the spreadsheet is not displayed.
What am I missing?
WordPress 3.5.1. Chocolate WordPress Premium Theme.
April 10, 2013, 7:58am
could you provide link to your spreadsheet page?
This should get you there. Please note - at the top of the page is an embedded Excel spreadsheet.
April 15, 2013, 7:59am
do you use mysql database?
There are some problems with connection to database:
cos.nyghtfalcon.com/wp-content/p … hp?sheet=1
Yes. Indeed. The entire site is using MySQL. Several other plug-ins directly access it and there have not been any issues this far with DB access.
Does this plug-in need its own table?
I assumed when I installed it that it would create it’s own table(s) as needed. Is that assumption incorrect? If so, where is the install script located?
April 16, 2013, 9:43am
table in db should be create automatically, sorry, I did a mistake, connection to database is correct.
But for some reasons code which initialize plugin is incorrect.
It looks like another plugin adds some tags into it. It’s a code from your page:
<script>var dhx_sh;
function onload_func_649477() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
var cfg = {
sheet: '3',
dhx_rel_path: 'http://cos.nyghtfalcon.com/wp-content/plugins/dhtmlxspreadsheet/codebase/',
parent: 'spreadsheet_box_649477',
load: 'http://cos.nyghtfalcon.com/wp-content/plugins/dhtmlxspreadsheet/spreadsheet_data.php',
save: 'http://cos.nyghtfalcon.com/wp-content/plugins/dhtmlxspreadsheet/spreadsheet_data.php',
skin: 'dhx_skyblue',
math: false,
autowidth: false,
autoheight: false
<p>dhx_sh = new dhtmlxSpreadSheet({
load: cfg.load,
save: cfg.save,
parent: cfg.parent,
autowidth: cfg.autowidth,
autoheight: cfg.autoheight,
skin: cfg.skin,
math: cfg.math,
icons_path: cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + 'imgs/icons/',
image_path: cfg['dhx_rel_path'] + 'imgs/'
dhx_sh.load(cfg.sheet||'1', cfg.key||null);
}, 1);
dhtmlxEvent(window, 'load', onload_func_649477);</script>
It must be without tag
Thank you.
Do you have any idea how I can get to the bottom of this? I am learning php - my programming skills are largely in VB, HTML.
Actually, I found the problem and the solution.
The problem was with a plug-in called Short Codes Ultimate.
The solution: I went to settings in the plugin and disabled custom formatting. That fixed the problem.