SSL and dhtmlxmenu causing "This page contains secure and no

You guys are awesome!  Thanks that fixed the problem.   I am seeing a similar problem on the grid control. I am looking into it.  It could still be on our side.  Just thought I’d check with you to see if the fix for the menu control may be applied to the grid control.  

I’ll let you know what I find.


thank you

carmine marino

I was able to replicate the same secure popup problem with the grid control with a small example.  See attached.  I replicated this with IE6.  It works fine with IE7 and FireFox.  I used firebug to check the requests going back and forth.   I don’t see any non https requests which would cause this.  A screen shot is also included.

Any help is appreciated.

thank you

Carmine Marino (56.2 KB)

We have reproduced the problem for toolbar component (it is also used in your example). Please, try to use attached file.

If the issue still persists, let us know. (11.9 KB)

That fixed it!!!  Thank you for your great support.


Carmine Marino


i am using your components in version 2.5 (professional) and have the same troubles with dhxMenu. Everythings works fine in Firefox and Safari. In IE 6 + IE 8 (not tested in IE7) i get this popup.

The above posted bugfix works for me, but it seems to be from another dhxMenu version, so after applying, the menu doesn´t look that fancy any more …

How can i solve this?

i am using your components in version 2.5 (professional) and have the same troubles with dhxMenu.

Please try to use the attached library (the latest 2.5) . Hope that it’ll fix the problem (16.8 KB)

Hi Alexandra,

sorry … problem still exists …


try using the modified dhtmlxmenu.js. (17 KB)

Hi Alexandra,

thank you for your response. Your update fixed the problem.

Many thanks.
