SSL and dhtmlxmenu causing "This page contains secure and no

We just deployed our application to our production server. This is a secure site. When we get to a page with a dhtmlxmenu and we hover over a drop down menu we get the “This page contains secure and nonsecure items” dialog. We also get this when loading a grid dynamically.

Any suggestions?

thank you

Carmine Marino


The issue is not reproduced locally. Please, provide the sample or direrct link to reproduce the issue.

Here is an example that’s causing the issues.  It occurs with this html file.

Thank you

Carmine Marino (672 Bytes)

Locally there are no issues with this sample. I have attached the complete demo. (39.9 KB)

Did you test this in a browser version prior to version IE7  We are seeing this error in IE6. I should have mentioned that.  Also in Firefox version 3.0  we get “Error type: load xml incorrect xml”

i forgot to include the xml document. (560 Bytes)

We have tested the sample which we provide you before in IE6 - there are no “secure” messages.

Your xml is also loaded in FF.

I was able to replicate the “secure and nonsecure items” dialog problem with your examples.  I copied the entire directories dhtmlxMenu and dhtmlxGrid into our webserver.   The manipulations/manipulations.html menu example causes the problem when you hover over the any of the menus.   You should see the “secure and nonsecure items” dialog popup.  Also the pro_resize.html grid example under girds_manipulations causes the same dialog.

This happens in IE 6.0.

Thank you,

Carmine Marino

The issue isn’t reproduced locally.

Please, provide the the detailed information about IE version you use (you can make the screenshot of “about” window).

Do you use any additional IE extentions ?

We aren’t using any extensions.   We have deployed this in Weblogic 10.x.  I am working on replicating it in Apache.   I attached the screen shots you requested.

Opps here’s the attachments.

So, the reason for the problem is in the Weblogic. Probably some files are requested by http instead of https

There is the program “fiddler”. It allows to see all requests in IE.

Thank you for the quick response.    I’ve used fidler yesterday and didn’t see what I was looking for.   I’ll try it again and send you a snapshot.  I am just about done building apache.  I’ll let you know how that turns out.


thank you.


I was able to replicate this in Apache as well.  Unfortantely fidler isn’t showing a get when we hover over the File menu.  I see all the gets prior to hovering over, but when I hover over the File menu nothing registers in Fidler and the “secure nonsecure” dialog appears.  

When you try this with IE6  make sure you don’t have the option to ignore unsecure content set (the mixed content option).   See attachment. 

I think this may be a bug in IE6.  I tried this with IE5.5 and IE7 and IE8 and I don’t see the issue.   Also with the fact that we aren’t seeing a get when the hover occurs makes me think this is a IE bug.   I don’t see the problem with FireFox or Safari.

If you would like I can bundle up my Apache folder with the example and also include a standalone version of IE6.  It’s not a very large file, under 10mb.  The only thing you’d have to change is the apache conf files…

I guess the trick now is to find a workaround. :wink:



mixedcontent.rtf (860 KB)


We also have managed to reproduced the issue. It was reproduced with another IE version.

The fix will be sent when it is ready (during this week).

Just checking in to see if you have come up with a fix or workaround yet. 

Thank you,

Carmine Marino


Unfortunately the fix isn’t ready yet.

We will necessarily send it to you.

Sorry for delay.


Please try the updated dhtmlxmenu.js. (19 KB)

thank you for the quick response.  I tried the new files and received a javascript error:

Error: dhtmlxEventable is not defined
Source File: … mlxmenu.js Line: 638


Probably you don’t use the latest dhtmxcommon.js

We’ve attached the latest one. (5.98 KB)