Store row position after Drag and Drop


after having moved rows by Drag and Drop, how can I store the new position of the rows in the grid?

Assume a row in in line 3 and the user moves it by Drag and Drop into line 5. Then we have the order 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, …
How can I get this information?

Each row has two parameters index and ID.
index - variable which shows the position of the row in the grid (zero-based). The row changes it’s index after the drag-n-drop.
ID - a constant variable which defined in your data.
For example you have:
ind | id
0 | row1
1 | row2
2 | row3
3 | row4
4 | row5
after the moving the row in line 3 to the line 5 you will have:
ind | id
0 | row1
1 | row2
2 | row4
3 | row5
4 | row3

You can get the row id/index right in the onDrop event: … ent_ondrop